Associate Degree Programs
A.S in Accounting
Available start dates for the program: See Academic Calendar
Program language: English or Spanish
Available Schedules: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7:00PM-10:00PM or 9:00AM-12:00PM, Saturday from 7:00AM-7:30PM
Educational offering are delivered through distance education(hybrid)
A.S. in Accounting
The A.S. Degree Program in Accounting will enable qualified JMVU graduates to be the financial record keepers of many companies, and even sustain their own businesses. In small corporations, the accounting clerks or assistants may have all of the responsibility of daily financial transactions. They will be able to prepare financial statements, handle payroll, prepare invoices and receive payments, and manage banking transactions. In larger corporations, these assistants will be prepared to assume more specialized responsibilities, such as serving as the accounts receivable clerk, or auditing clerk.
Graduates of the JMVU A.S. in Accounting Program may also be able to attain employment in related fields. According to the Florida Occupational Profile provided for Bookkeeping, Accounting and Auditing Clerks, these related positions include loan officers, wholesale and retail buyers, claims examiners, compensation and benefits analysts, insurance appraisers and adjusters, and customer service representatives.
The A.S. Degree Program in Accounting is designed to enable graduates to become financial assistants, accounting clerks and bookkeepers immediately upon graduation. The program provides students with a combination of technical training, accounting, business practices and General Education courses. Students receive a comprehensive understanding of accounting and bookkeeping through applied and relevant courses, with a practical internship during the last semester. This degree also prepares students to continue their education at JMVU or other postsecondary institutions in the field of business.
Program Objectives
Upon completion of the A.S. in Accounting at Jose maria Vargas University, students will be able to:
1. Prepare financial statements.
2. Apply the knowledge of theories, principles, strategies, and tools in the accounting area.
3. Interpret business law and tax laws.
4. Effectively use information technology applications in the accounting environment.
5. Implement generally accepted accounting principles.
This program is offered exclusively in English or in Spanish.